P E R C E P C I Ó N.
Vague nerve, acustic nerve, pathetic nerve, glossopharyngeal, optic nerve, halibut nerve, cervical nerve, thoracic, lumbar nerve, sacral, coccygeal, trigeminal nerve, abducens nerve. Innervation. You, cocoon from a maternal eruption. Propeller fibers in the dorsal root of the marrow, sensitive fibers in the boreal pate of nebulae. Cocoon that untangles itself, extended to the horizons. You, central gray substance. White substance. Ubiquitous gestation. Plexus for an entropic equilibrium. Aurousal focus. Loving cocoon, hunted by fear and desire. Colapsed by the sound that creates the random in the sampling of the integer colours, of the literary arguments and the quantum numbers. You, cortex from a lyrical heart, navigator of the Pleiades, solute cadence. Tied nervous, radar nosegay. Hiperbolic orbits. Each fetus is a plexo of vacum with endosomatic density. I am you: an argonaut spore from the Nothingness. You, the marvel in the mechanics of the seconds. Pure, simple, smooth:
P E R C E P T I O N.