Ego redibo, tu nunquam (the paradox of the viewer and the clock)

- Is not crazy, is a paradox.

- Part of the nature, you mean?

- Part of the becoming. I know nothing about the nature.

- Light is a wave.

- Light is also a particle.

- Light is a paradox.

- I nictitate with my own imagined narratives.

- You and the dualities. As a Victorian paper toy.

-  Yes, the one in wich, depending on how quiclky one twirls strings attached to the paper disc...

- ... the bird appears either trapped or free.

- Your secrets and your reality, might collide.

- Your dilemma is in between two facing mirrors.

- The mirrors show that nothing is at it appears.

- But you can only know about its image when your are related to what deploys an appearance.

- These mirrors picture us as a kaleidoscope. What an emphatic caprice! To reveal what has been lost! To find ulterior matters in the proximity of physical entities!

- The facing mirrors are a language in the communication amid the polymorphously perverse new born disposition and the further path for sublimation.

- Kaleidoscope with Id, ego and super-ego.

- Infra, inter, ultra. Facing mirrors are the eyes of the sphinx.

- What are we put in betwixt?

- Everything is a rizoma,  a nebolous governed by chance.

- The labyrinth is only in the minds.

- You, the lovers, both reflect off of one another. You are the body of a sword, the heart of a dove.

- We both, are the roared utterance and the silence beyond.

- This are the words.

- Tell me, before the dawn, dear Lord of Time, wich is the epiphany of this soliloquy?

 - Just beware of not avoid to spur!

- Ut supra

A poem, a pyramid, a Suri, a der, a Dada, a black ink, an eye, a viewer, a soul, a time, an experiment... [Hans Arp, Der Pyramidenrock, Arp’s fourth book, a collection of dada poems]
Hans Arp, Der Pyramidenrock, Arp’s fourth book, a collection of dada poems